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(316) 729-0100 7570 W. 21st St. Bldg 1026 - Ste. A Wichita, KS 67205 Make Your Payment Here McCafferty Acquisition 2022

Navigating Caregiving Challenges

Caregivers do not realize the challenges until they are faced with them Many people take on the challenge because it involves someone they love.  In the US, 53 million people have assumed this role and then struggled to make it work. Much…

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Simple Steps to Living a Longer Life

We are now living longer than previous generations thanks to advances in medicine, technology, and life science. But simply living a longer life should not be the goal. Maintaining a healthy quality of life should be. After all, who wants…

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Benefits Planning for Veterans

A number of benefits programs are available to US Veterans preparing for retirement, whether in the short or long term. Programs include but are not limited to: Veterans’ Health Care and Veterans’ Pensions Survivor’s Death Pension Housebound Pension Aid and…

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Medicaid Compliant Annuities

Annuities are financial products that pay a set amount each year, generally throughout the life of the annuitant. Most annuities are deferred, meaning the payout doesn’t occur until a later date. However, you can receive immediate payouts if you purchase…

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